What's New in Crosscheck

Check out the newest features and enhancements we've just released.


Release Notes

Crosscheck App

Release 1.5.1 (Latest)

Release 1.5.0

Release 1.4.2

Release 1.4.1

Release 1.4.0

Release 1.3.0

Release 1.2.0

Release 1.1.0

Crosscheck Extension

Release 1.5.1 (Latest)

Release Date:

03 May, 2024

Report a Bug in Test Run

Now, users can swiftly report bugs directly from test runs with the new "Report a Bug" button. This feature pre-fills bug details based on the test run's project, ensuring efficient bug submission and tracking.

Report a Bug: Introducing the "Report a Bug" button for seamless bug reporting directly from test runs.

Prefilled Details: Bug report form auto-populates with project details from the test run, streamlining the process.

Test Run ID Capture: Bugs reported through test runs now retain the test run's ID for easy tracking and reference.

Tested Status Conversion: We've replaced the traditional test cases dropdown with a chip menu for easier test selection, enhancing user experience and task efficiency.

Signup Flow Change

Our signup process has been unified, guiding all new users through onboarding and requiring agreement to our terms. This ensures a seamless signup experience and legal compliance.

Unified Signup: Streamlined signup process into a single flow for users without invitations, ensuring consistency.

Mandatory Agreement: "Terms & Conditions" and "Privacy Policy" acceptance is now mandatory for signup, ensuring legal compliance.

Enhanced Tracking: Implemented reference key identification for different signup methods (extension, website, or invitation).

Invitation Exemption: Users with workspace invitation links are exempt from the signup process, simplifying access.

Onboarding Improvements

Enjoy a smoother onboarding process with pre-filled workspace names, automatic free plan selection, and the option to skip onboarding for faster setup.

Workspace Pre-fill: Workspace name pre-filled during onboarding for a personalized experience.

Efficient Onboarding: Free plan pre-selected during onboarding to minimize clicks and streamline the process.

Skip Option: Added a skip button on the first step of onboarding for users who prefer to bypass the process.

Automatic Onboarding: Onboarding now automatically performs on behalf of users.

Workspace Settings Update

Workspace management is now simpler with an updated UI allowing users to change workspace names and storage options effortlessly. Save and discard buttons appear only when changes are made, reducing clutter.

UI Enhancement: Updated workspace settings UI for improved usability and aesthetics.

Flexible Options: Users can now change workspace names and storage options easily with radio buttons.

Streamlined Interface: Save and discard buttons only appear when changes are made, reducing clutter and enhancing user experience.

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