7 Things You Don’t Know About Bug Reporting

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Bug reporting might seem like a straightforward task, but it’s actually a complex and crucial part of the software development process. A well-documented bug report serves as the crucial link between identifying and resolving an issue, allowing developers to address problems with clarity and efficiency.

Curious about what you might be missing in your bug reports? Here are seven key aspects of bug reporting that you may not know but should definitely consider.

But Wait...What exactly is Bug Reporting?

Bug reporting is the process of documenting and communicating issues found in software during testing or use. A bug—also called a defect, issue, or error—refers to any unintended behavior or functionality that doesn’t match the expected outcome. 

When a bug is discovered, whether by testers, developers, or even end-users, a bug report is created. This report provides developers with the details they need to understand, reproduce, and fix the issue. The key is clear and systematic communication, which makes tracking and resolving bugs a lot smoother. 

So, the next time you encounter an error, remember: your bug report is a crucial step toward better software for everyone. 

7 Things Majority of QA’s Don’t Know About Bug Reporting: -

Effective bug reporting is not just about logging an issue; it's about ensuring that the right information is available for the quickest possible resolution. - Better Bugs

1. The Importance of Context 

Context is everything in bug reporting. Developers often don’t have the same background or knowledge of how the bug occurred, which makes context critical.

Simply writing "It doesn’t work" is never enough. 

You need to include steps to reproduce the bug, the environment where it occurred (operating system, browser, device), and any other variables that might affect the bug’s behavior. 

Without context, even the most glaring bug could get lost in translation. The more detailed your context, the faster the bug will be fixed. 

2. Why Prioritization Is Crucial 

Not all bugs are created equal. Knowing how to prioritize bugs is key to an efficient bug-tracking process. 

High-severity bugs like crashes or security vulnerabilities should be reported as critical, whereas visual glitches or minor inconveniences can be classified as low priority. 

Effective bug reporting involves identifying the impact on the user experience and the system, which helps developers and project managers decide what needs immediate attention. 

3. Bug Titles Should Be Descriptive 

Titles like "App not working" or "Login issue" don’t provide any useful information. A good bug title should be clear, concise, and descriptive. 

For example, instead of "Login issue," you might write "Login form throws a 500 error when the wrong password is entered." 

A clear title helps the developer understand the issue right away, making it easier to sort and address. 

4. It’s Not Just About the Bug – It's About the Impact 

Developers need to understand how a bug impacts the user or the system. While it’s essential to describe the bug itself, it’s equally important to explain the severity of its impact. 

For instance, a user-facing bug might cause confusion or frustration, whereas a back-end issue could crash the entire system. 

Providing insight into how the bug affects the overall product will help developers prioritize and address it more effectively. 

5. The More Reproducible the Bug, the Better 

A bug that can’t be reliably reproduced is incredibly hard to fix. One of the biggest challenges developers face is non-reproducible bugs. 

When reporting a bug, always provide clear steps to reproduce it. If it’s intermittent, try to identify the conditions under which it occurs, including patterns in system load, time of day, or sequence of actions. 

The easier it is for the developer to replicate the bug, the faster they can squash it. 

6. Screenshots and Logs Are Lifesavers 

 If you’ve ever tried to explain a complex bug without visual aid, you know how frustrating it can be. Screenshots, screen recordings, and log files are incredibly helpful when reporting bugs. 

They provide additional layers of context that words alone often can’t. Many bug-tracking tools like Crosscheck, Jira, Git-Lab, and Trello allow users to attach files, so take advantage of that. 

Including logs, especially for back-end errors, can give developers the exact information they need to pinpoint the issue without going back and forth for clarification. 

7. The Role of Clear Communication 

Bug reporting isn’t just a task; it’s part of a collaborative process between testers, developers, and project managers. 

Once the bug is submitted, keep the communication lines open. If the developer needs clarification, respond promptly. If the bug is marked as "won’t fix," ask why. 

By maintaining clear and respectful communication, you create a more efficient workflow and ensure that bugs are handled with care. 

What Makes A Good Bug Report Then? 

To summarize, make sure your bug reports include the following key elements: 

Key Elements of Bug Reporting

1. Descriptive Title: 

Start with a concise and descriptive title that clearly summarizes the issue (e.g., "Login form returns error 500 when incorrect credentials are entered"). 

2. Steps to Reproduce: 

Provide a clear list of the actions needed to replicate the bug. These steps are crucial for helping developers recreate the issue on their end. 

3. Environment: 

Include detailed information about the environment where the bug occurred, such as the operating system, browser version, device, or network conditions. 

4. Severity and Priority: 

Indicate how important the bug is by noting whether it’s a system-crashing issue or a minor UI glitch. 

5. Expected vs. Actual Results: 

Compare what was supposed to happen with what actually occurred. This contrast helps developers understand the bug's impact. 

6. Screenshots, Videos, Logs: 

Provide visual evidence, such as screenshots, video recordings, or logs that capture the application's behavior. For this, you can use the Crosscheck Chrome Extension, making it easier to document the bug effectively. 

These are the key elements of a comprehensive bug report. 

To make this process even smoother, Crosscheck’s bug report form includes all these relevant fields, ensuring you don’t miss any crucial details. Below, you’ll find the full template that our form provides, designed to help you report bugs with precision and ease. 

Bug Report

You can learn more about the Crosscheck bug reporting feature here. 


Bug reporting is far more than just logging defects—it's an integral part of the software development process that ensures quality, efficiency, and collaboration. 

By understanding the finer details of bug reporting, such as providing context, prioritizing issues, and maintaining open communication, QA testers can significantly impact the speed and accuracy with which issues are resolved. 

The clearer and more detailed the bug report, the easier it is for developers to diagnose and fix the problem, leading to a smoother workflow and a better end product. 

So, what’s your biggest challenge in bug reporting? Have you found any tips or tricks that make your bug reports more effective? Share your experiences and let’s learn together!