Early User Feedback Prevents Costly Rework – Use Crosscheck Widget

Crosscheck empowers you to capture valuable user feedback directly within your web or mobile application through its intuitive Feedback Widget. Users can report bugs, suggest improvements, and provide insights, ultimately leading to a more refined and user-centric product. Use feedback widget to continuously improve your product's usability and functionality.



Instantly Receive and Act on Feedback

Our Feedback Widget establishes a direct line of communication between your users and our development team. Users can submit comments and suggestions instantly, giving you real-time insights to address issues quickly.

By getting feedback from users in the app, they can see what needs fixing and make improvements based on user experience.

Instantly Receive and Act on Feedback


Simple Installation and Seamless Integration

Integrating the Feedback Widget into your application is straightforward with Crosscheck's clear documentation and resources. We ensure a smooth installation process, minimizing coding effort on your end and maximizing usability.

Simple Installation and Seamless Integration


Report Bug from Feedback

The widget makes it easy for users to report problems by adding descriptions and images in the feedback form. This helps QA teams to quickly fix any bugs that are found. Furthermore, the process supports our agile methodology, ensuring quick iterations and quality assurance.

Report Bug from Feedback


Customizable to Fit Your Brand

Understanding the importance of user experience, our Feedback Widget offers extensive customization options. You can change the appearance of the app or feedback button by adjusting colors, logos, and button text. This will help it match your app's design. It will also improve the user experience by creating a seamless look.

Customizable to Fit Your Brand


Flexible Feedback Widget Positioning

Crosscheck empowers you to optimize the placement of the Feedback Widget within your application. By strategically positioning it for accessibility without disrupting workflow, you can effectively collect customer feedback while maintaining a smooth user experience.

Flexible Feedback Widget Positioning

Ensure Best Quality with Crosscheck

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