Dashboard Focus: Personalized Views for Every team Member with Crosscheck

Role-based dashboards are designed to meet the specific needs of each team member. This feature ensures that every role, from QA to project manager, gets the targeted information and tools. These dynamic dashboards offer a centralized view of key metrics, enabling informed decision-making and efficient project management.



QA Report

The QA Report serves as your go-to resource for essential bug and QA metrics. Gain a quick snapshot of vital information of bugs, test cases and their respective test runs statuses. This allows QA engineers to identify areas requiring focus and prioritize their efforts effectively during software testing.


Admin/Owner Dashboard

Admin Dashboard offers a centralized view of everything happening across your projects. In a single glance, Admins, even owners can see the total number of projects, test cases, test runs, bugs, and users.

The dashboard also provides consolidated QA and developer reports, giving you insights into resolution rates, tester performance, and developer activity.

This comprehensive overview empowers owners to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, project management, and overall testing effectiveness, whereas, admin can control the rights of edit, view and delete of individuals.


QA Dashboard

QA Dashboard personalizes your testing experience. Track bugs and test cases with different widgets and assess their own efficiency through the "Bug Closure Rate" widget.

Stay on top of your testing schedule with the "Test Run" widget, highlighting upcoming, overdue, and due test runs. This consolidated view empowers you to be a more proactive and impactful QA tester and efficient in bug identification and reporting activities.


Developer Dashboard

Developer Dashboard allow for focused development efforts and prioritization for developers. The dashboard provides a consolidated view of assigned bugs (categorized by status and severity), highlights active projects with their bug counts, and tracks key metrics like bug reproducibility rate and closure rate of each developers.

By prioritizing recently opened bugs, current assignments, and critical issues, developers can efficiently manage their workflow, focus on the most impactful bugs, and ultimately deliver high-quality code.


Project Manager Dashboard

Project Managers benefit from a holistic view of project progress through the Project Manager Dashboard. This comprehensive view encompasses bug trends, test case execution status, and team activity.

With this information readily available, project managers can identify potential roadblocks and make informed decisions to ensure project timelines are met and overall project goals are achieved.

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