Effortless Bug Reporting and Defect Tracking with Crosscheck

Our bug reporting module provides a user-friendly and structured bug reporting form. With Crosscheck, you can effectively identify, document, and resolve bugs, ultimately enhancing the quality and stability of your software applications. 



Detailed Bug Reporting for Effective Defect Tracking

Our bug reporting module offers you a user-friendly and structured bug reporting form. You can easily document bug details, steps to reproduce, and expected behavior. With comprehensive fields, your team can submit detailed bug reports that make issues clear at a glance. Say goodbye to vague bug reports and hello to an efficient defect tracking tool in software testing.

Detailed Bug Reporting for Effective Defect Tracking


Easy Bug Evidence Management for Enhanced Bug Tracking

Attach screenshots, screen recordings, logs, or any other relevant files directly to your bug reports. For instances when you don't have an existing file or URL, our built-in screen recording feature lets you capture the issue in real-time directly from the bug reporting form. This provides clear and concise evidence of the issue encountered, helping you understand the bug better and resolve it faster, enhancing your defect tracking process.

Easy Bug Evidence Management for Enhanced Bug Tracking


Detailed Activity Log and Comments 

Keep a clear audit trail for each bug report. You can track who reported the bug, when it was assigned, its status (e.g., Open, Closed, Need to Discuss), and any updates or comments made throughout the resolution process. This fosters transparency, collaboration, and streamlines communication within your team, making bug tracking more efficient.

Detailed Activity Log and Comments 


Comprehensive Retest History for Effective Software Testing

Gain valuable insights into the bug's behavior by accessing a detailed retest history. You can view timestamps, testers involved, outcomes (e.g., Passed, Failed), and any additional notes associated with each retest. This allows you to track progress towards resolution and identify potential regressions, essential for debugging and quality assurance.

Comprehensive Retest History for Effective Software Testing


Quick Bug to Test Cases Conversion 

Easily transition bugs into formalized test scenarios. Specify test case steps, expected results, and relevant test data with ease. This saves you time and ensures accuracy in capturing the issue, integrating bug tracking seamlessly with your test case management.

Quick Bug to Test Cases Conversion 


Customizable Bug Form Configurations

We offer you granular control over bug reporting forms. Admins, Owners, and Project Managers can define required and optional fields (e.g., severity, priority, reproduction environment) to tailor the bug reporting experience to your specific project needs. This ensures you capture all the critical information for efficient bug resolution and prioritization, optimizing your defect tracking tools.

Customizable Bug Form Configurations


Import, Export Bugs and Advance Filters for Debugging

Simplify bug data migration and management by:

Importing bugs from CSV files with customizable mapping options for data transfer from other systems.:

Exporting bugs for backup purposes, sharing with stakeholders, or migrating data to other tools.:

Utilizing advanced filtering capabilities to pinpoint specific bugs based on various criteria, such as severity, priority, status, assignee, or project. This facilitates efficient bug tracking and prioritization, making debugging more effective.:

With Crosscheck, we ensure your software testing process is thorough, organized, and aligned with agile and quality assurance principles.

Import, Export Bugs and Advance Filters for Debugging

Ensure Best Quality with Crosscheck

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